Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is joining his colleagues in the Assembly Minority in standing against the extension of a legislative moratorium on evictions. The Assembly Majority has introduced a bill (A.7175) to extend the moratorium through Aug. 31. 2021. Hawley has opposed extending the moratorium in the past, as it has greatly burdened small landlords throughout the pandemic that have been unable to collect rent to pay the mortgages on their properties.
“The landlords impacted the most by this moratorium are people who have worked their entire lives to buy property to generate an income to take care of their families, and we’ve left them helpless for over a year now,” said Hawley. “Addressing the burden placed on our housing system by COVID-19 means helping both tenants and landlords, and this moratorium deprives them of their rightful legal and financial recourse.”
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