Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is encouraging residents of his district to support local small businesses this holiday season as much as possible.  Small businesses are the driving force of our economy and by spending right here at home there is a better chance that funds will be reinvested into Western New York instead of spent elsewhere.  Furthermore, Hawley emphasized that his constituents’ close proximity to a large local agricultural sector as well as the Finger Lakes Region provides a great opportunity to buy local dairy, wine and other products made by local small businesses. 

            “I am encouraging all of my constituents to support local area small businesses as much as possible this holiday season,” Hawley said.  “I believe that as people begin to shop for gifts and prepare for large holiday meals they will find that our region provides a tremendous opportunity to purchase fresh products that were either grown or prepared locally.  In doing so, they will be supporting local job growth for our neighbors and friends as well as ensuring that money spent here is reinvested back into our economy.”

            Hawley’s comments come after Americans celebrated National Small Business Saturday and tens of millions of consumers shopped local, according to the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) and American Express.  Hawley, a Western New York native, has been a staunch proponent of buying local and supporting the large number of locally-owned farms in his district.  Hawley’s district and the nearby Finger Lakes Region are historically known for producing its own wine, cheese and beer that contributes largely to the area’s economy.           

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