May 23, 2013
Another SAFE Act Flaw Exposed
A piece of legislation passed by the Assembly addresses yet another flaw in the NY SAFE Act as further proof that the law must be fully repealed. This bill would exempt certain retired law enforcement officers from restrictions related to magazine capacity. I agree with the principle of the effort, but such loopholes illustrate the need to repeal the law and start from scratch.
Not only should retired police officers be exempt form the NY SAFE Act, but so should veterans and every other law-abiding American citizen. It seems that as more time passes, more glaring flaws come to light. It comes as no surprise that the bad process used to force this law on New Yorkers has led to bad policy. The sad truth is, I have little doubt we will be amending this irresponsible law piece by piece for a long time to come. That's why we must repeal the SAFE Act and approach sensible, life-saving measures the correct way; by incorporating the voices of law-abiding New Yorkers whose lives are affected by the legislature's actions.
May 20, 2013
SAFE Act Petition
I recently wrote to and submitted petitions urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo to repeal the new gun control laws known as the SAFE ACT. Over the last two and a half months I circulated a petition and received 1,050 signatures from taxpaying, law-abiding citizens who feel their rights have been infringed upon without any increase in public safety.
Their voices were not heard during the hurried passage of this law and these citizens deserved to be heard now. I have urged Gov. Cuomo to repeal this law and to come together with not only members of legislature but also with law enforcement officials, mental health professionals, and most important, the concerned citizens of our community who have the most at stake when it comes to the laws of our state.
May 17, 2013
Supporting Local Economic Development Efforts
Recently, Buffalo-area Assemblyman Sean Ryan publicly criticized the local economic development's efforts. I support the Genesee County Economic Development Center's record and successful efforts to attract businesses to the area. These efforts will create local employment opportunities and increase sales tax revenue to support local programs and services.
Here in Batavia and across Genesee County, we deserve access to both consumer choice and employment opportunities. By attracting Dick's to Towne Centre Mall, GCEDC has helped bolster both. Assemblyman Ryan's attacks on our local economy are completly uncalled for. While he purports to be concerned with the use of tax dollars, surely he would agree that one of the highest-taxed states in the nation has bigger fish to fry than Genesee County's legal ability to strengthen its own economy. I believe it is in the best interests of all involved that assembly members focus on their own constituents and that he focuses on revitalizing Buffalo's economy.
The GCEDC has played a crucial role in attracting job creators to Genesee County and keeping them here long-term. Between the Genesee Valley Agri-business Park, Oatka Hills and countless other projects, GCEDC has long been at the forefront of job creation and economic development in our community. Throughout my time in the Assembly, we have worked diligently to revitalize our local economy, and GCEDC has my full support in its effort to bring jobs to our community.
May 13, 2013
Farm Death Bill
I recently voted against the legislation that I call " The Farm Death Bill" intended to overhaul the labor laws specific to agricultural farm workers. The proposal would devastate family owned farms who are already struggling. New York State's family farmers are already paying 56% more in labor costs than the national average, yet out-of-touch politicians from New York City have found a way to make things worse for our #1 Business - Agriculture. Requiring collective bargaining and time and a half if a farm employee works over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week would be an absolute death blow to New York's agriculture.
As a former operator of a family-owned farm, I understand how devastating this legislation is, and I am proud to stand alongside our local family farmers and fight against this attack on our proud agricultural heritage and way of life.
May 8, 2013
Local Firefighters Discuss Legislative Priorities
I recently met with City of Batavia firefighters Jeff Stevens and Greg Ireland in Albany. The firefighters were in town for the New York State Professional Fire Fighters Association's (NYSPFFA) 2013 Legislative Conference. We discussed NYSPFFA's legislative priorities and I thanked them for their service.
Meeting with two of Batavia's bravest public servants was truly an honor. NYSPFFA's members are on the fornt lines protecting our lives and property from devastating fires and they deserve our support. I commend Mr. Stevens, Mr. Ireland and their colleagues for all they do to keep our communities safe.